Monday, September 17, 2007

Awake at 3:43am

You know, I never used to wake up in the middle of the night. Or, if I did, I was back to sleep before I even knew I was awake. And I can't really remember when this started, but it happens way too often now. And I'm home in my bed next to my wife. (Well, not right this minute because I'm typing on the downstairs computer...but you know what I mean.) I understand when I'm in a hotel room in an unfamiliar bed with unfamiliar lights and noises. But at home? Come on, what's the deal? Is this just an "I'm getting older thing?"

Am I thinking about too many things?

Am I still rushing too much, thinking too much about what I have to do today? (Which, by the way, is getting on another airplane and making another trip to LA this week...)

Am I turning the same things over and over and over in my head?

Is this a reflection of some restlessness in my soul?

Or is this just another ordinary moment?

(heavy sigh)

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