Saturday, December 8, 2007

Rainy Saturday

We had more rain today - a very good thing. It was colder, too, so I guess our 2-week autumn is almost over. Unfortunately, today was the Oro Valley Holiday Parade, a small home-town parade along a street in our suburban town only a couple of blocks away. Robert marched with the band, but he said it wasn't too bad. We decided to stay warm and dry at home.

Most of the day had a nice, slow pace to it, at least for me. I worked on our Christmas cards, enjoyed a short nap, and got some things ready for service in the morning. We stopped by to see my folks tonight so Kim could open a couple of birthday presents, and then went to see August Rush, which was a wonderful, family, holiday, feel-good movie. It was quite predictable, but the music was terrific and the whole theme of music connecting people and bringing people together was very moving.

Tomorrow is the second Sunday of Advent, so I have some new Nouwen readings to ponder.
But sleep is calling for now...

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