Monday, September 10, 2007

An Engineering Marvel

Yeah, I know, I just posted about being in LA - but you have to check this out! I found this brochure in my rental car and was amazed at what was happening (or happened, actually) with the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Here's a summary from the brochure with pictures following. This is amazing...

A section of roadway—approximately the length of a football field—has been constructed on a moveable support system south of the bridge. After the bridge has been closed to traffic, the original section of roadway will be demolished and the debris removed. Tracks will then be laid across the lower deck and the new structure will be rolled into position.

When the bridge reopens to traffic, motorists will probably not notice any visible difference. However, they will be driving on a seismically upgraded roadway that will eventually connect to the bridge’s new East Span, currently under construction.

This work is part of the Bay Bridge Seismic Safety Projects to strengthen the bridge.

Their goal was to demolish and insert the new section over Labor Day weekend. Not only did they succeed, they were 11 hours ahead of schedule! Check out the entire brochure and the press release for more info.

(I guess it's the engineer in me that's impressed by stuff like this...)

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