Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 21

So Lent is already half over. Wow. It's gone fast so far. I'm really enjoying reading through Show Me the Way each day - as you can probably tell by my abundance of Nouwen quotes.

Speaking of Nouwen quotes, here's a prayer from yesterday's reading which struck the missional chord in me:

Lord, I pray for all who witness for you in this world:
ministers, priests, and bishops,
men and women who have dedicated their lives to you,
and all those who try to bring the light of the Gospel
into the darkness of this age.

Give them courage, strength, perseverance, and hope,
fill their hearts and minds
with the knowledge of your presence,
and let them experience your name
as their refuge from all dangers.

Most of all, give them the joy of your Spirit,
so that wherever they go and whomever they meet
they will remove the veil
of depression, fatalism, and defeatism
and will bring new life to the many
who live in constant fear of death.

Lord, be with all who bring the Good News.

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