Friday, March 7, 2008

Day 27 - very early

Yep. My flight was canceled. That's the bad news. The good news was that we found out before we left the hotel (thanks Tom!). So, even though it's 5:30am, at least I'm in my very nice hotel room instead of at the airport. The other bad news was that I was automatically rebooked on a flight tomorrow. But, the other good news is that I was able to rebook on another airline to leave here at 5:00pm and go direct to Phoenix, flying right over all the bad weather in the middle of the country. So, if all goes according to the new plan, I'll land in Tucson around 10:00pm. That's 11 hours later than the original plan, but at least it's still today.

So things could be better, but obviously they could be much worse. I'm sure there are still a lot of people in Dallas trying to get home today and not knowing if/when they will. At least here in DC, the weather is nice (now), and I am confirmed on a flight home later today. And who knows what the day may bring. I'll be paying extra attention to the ordinary today. Because, I'm guessing it may not be very ordinary after all...


Anonymous said...

Well, I hope you get home tonight! What a week...Hope to see you Sunday!

Myles said...

Thanks Michele - We should be there Sunday - assuming I'm home by then!!

Jeremy said...

Hey Myles I hope you get home ok and everything. Travel can be crazy.

I'm not sure about our flight path, but we might be flying over your state tomorrow.

I'll make sure to wave. :)