Allergies? A cold? Whatever it is, it has stolen most of my voice since Friday night. That's not a bad thing at all - I like being quiet. But, when the coughing started last night in bed, things went downhill. I found some prescription cough syrup from 2006, grabbed a couple of blankets, a glass of water, and ended up in the recliner downstairs for a most unrestful night. I climbed back into bed around 5:30 and caught up a little - before the coughing began again.
So here I sit in my new temporary bed (the recliner), surfing and pondering life on a Sunday morning when I'm usually at our church service. My daughter returned home this morning around 8:00 from a 3-day Disneyland field trip, so she is sleeping blissfully upstairs. My son and wife are at the service, today being the one Sunday a month when Kim helps in the nursery to get her "baby fix." The day looks absolutely beautiful, so I imagine I will venture outside at some point, but not yet.
I am facing a reading crisis, however, which was highlighted throughout the restless night. I'm on the last chapter of Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation, and I just recently finished Nouwen's Show Me the Way. And I don't have an unread Merton or Nouwen book on the shelf calling out my name. Help!
I've been reading a lot online lately, mostly missional church stuff here and here and expanding the blogs that my Google Reader updates for me. And, if you've been following my posts on my Greek class, it's obvious that I have some mind-stretching reading on the horizon. But I always like to have at least one book on the table, in my computer bag, or on the nightstand that speaks to my soul and gives me glimpses of God.
Any recommendations?
5 years ago
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