Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11

I got to work early that day, after listening to a CD all the way there. When I walked in to a mostly empty office area, one of my co-workers stood up and asked me - I'll never forget his words - "Are we safe here?" I had no idea what he was talking about, but soon learned of what was unfolding. Working for a defense contractor who builds and stores missiles for the US Government, his question began to make sense.

I remember trying to get some work done, but spent most of the morning huddled with others in shock around a small TV in a break area. I left early and spent the evening hugging my family as we watched our country being changed forever.

I've been to Ground Zero twice since then. The first time was...well, let's just say we cried a lot. The second time (about 9 months ago) was better. Now it looks mostly like a construction site. But I was still filled with feelings of loss and sadness.

We will never forget.

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